
from      Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
to          mark duchow <mrdduchows@aol.com>,Mark Duchow <mrdmkd@aol.com>
cc          Dan Robinson <dbcdan@sbcglobal.net>
date      Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 2:03 PM
subject Fwd: Fw: Ward

Mark Duchow, when we were negotiating at the January, 2007 Chicago Boat Show, and if you had  proposed a cobbled together long block and bolted-on components, there should be no doubt in your mind that I would have left my order standing for the new Fox Lake Marina Bayliner that I had just purchased with a small deposit. And that is what Duchows is offering now. I purchased a new boat to avoid the possibility of previous owner abuse or mechanic mistakes. My current objective is the same.

I have received professional advice and proposals from three other Volvo-Penta dealers, and everyone agrees that the quality control at the factory is superior to the quality control that can be achieved by local technicians. This is especially true for Duchow technicians that have already demonstrated their inability to install a battery legally or install a level bimini top. 

After your Fox Lake dealership had repeatedly denied any fault or financial responsibility for over 10 weeks, I requested  proposals for both a new Volvo fully dressed "bobtail" engine AND a new Volvo long-block, so I would have the comparative quotations to evaluate. You choose to give me only the long-block proposal, and to forgo your 40% mark-up and absorb all labor charges as your share of the responsibility. My family appreciates those concessions (worth $2603.80), but you have failed to justify attempting to charge me $3865 (plus 8% tax= $4174) to fix a problem caused while in your custody to replace and test a belt that failed under warranty.

However, in that same email proposal dated 8-13-08, your manager's denial statement is insulting to my family: "We did not damage your motor and we accept no responsibility for the freeze damage to your motor." That effectively accuses my family of lying when we collectively and individually have stated that the boat went directly into my son's garage for 7 months, after leaving your dealership on November 3, 2007. After changing your service department's story three times (run on antifreeze - dry run – no run), your manager finally settled on the story that the engine was run on an antifreeze tank to test the warranty belt replacement on October 24, 2007. That matched the version reported to me at that time by both your business manager and service writer.

Therefore, knowing and being able to prove, that my family is telling the truth, Duchows is 100% responsible for the freeze damage to our relatively new engine. We delivered a completely-drained, like-new product to you for a simple warranty belt replacement, and you returned a water-filled engine that froze over the winter.  It is an insult to my family's integrity, for Duchows to offer to forgo your mark-up and labor costs, for a lesser quality-controlled locally-assembled engine. We communicated accurately and did everything correctly, while your Duchow's personnel made several documented internal communication errors, and several inaccurate assurances that the engine was tested on an antifreeze tank. The resulting freeze damage proves that was not true. You have provided no explanation how the engine could have suffered freeze damage that was the responsibility of the Ward family.

We teach our children that when they break something that belongs to another person, there is a responsibility to replace the broken product with the same or better quality. A locally assembled long-block is a lower-cost and a lower quality-controlled replacement. This is the same factory advice that we have consistently received indirectly through other Volvo dealers.

Unless Duchows accepts 100% responsibility for the damage by Monday, August 25, 2008, it is our intention to accept the lowest bid proposal from another Volvo dealer to replace the engine you damaged, with a new Volvo "fully-dressed bobtail" engine that has been factory assembled under rigid quality control. I will then use all of the evidence, records, and documentation on the website http://duchows.homestead.com (password: randy – will be removed for public court use) as the foundation to file a lawsuit in the Lake County Small Claims Court for complete reimbursement of all of my family's costs. The costs will include the initial engine inspection, the new replacement engine, and all court costs (including possible attorney fees). It appears that the $10,000 court limit will preclude some of the replacement boat rental costs ($986.43, receipts avail.) during a previously planned vacation in a rental home on a Wisconsin lake.

Of course, the complete loss of enjoyment of the 2008 boating season is difficult to quantify, and has already been absorbed by my family because of Duchow's negligence, internal communication errors, and inaccurate statements to owners.

Mark, I know your corporation will be making an assessment on the probability of my family actually following through and filing a lawsuit to seek complete justice for an unfortunate series of internal communication errors and misstatements made by several within your organization. And I worry that you may make an uninformed miscalculation of my capabilities and track record. In addition to the extensive documentation on the working website I have created on this freeze damage issue, your research could reveal a 621-page Federal Environmental Impact Statement Response that I personally prepared in 1975 on the largest public works project in the President Ford Administration http://neweastside.org/resume.html  Also I was the successful plaintiff in a small claims $4000 rent and damage dispute that spanned 10 years to resolve, so I have recent experience in court procedures, accurately presenting arguments, and cross-examining witnesses before a judge. In order to build a more complete record, it may be necessary to subpoena your general manager, business manager, service writer, and technician, who will all be required to testify under oath.

It was expected that after 11 weeks of frustrating my family by denying all financial responsibility, you would offer a partial "good will gesture". However, that business plan is not acceptable without suggesting any specific basis for our family being responsible for any miscommunication, or procedural errors. After several documented mid-stream story changes, your initial assurance and your final assurance is the same: that your technician ran our engine on an antifreeze tank on October 24, 2007, as you claim to run all engines after September 1st. It is obvious that your technician made at least one error and ran our engine on water or excessively diluted antifreeze, and that is fully the responsibility of your corporation. My family should bear none of the costs.

You are welcome to discuss this issue with me by phone (temp. 312-861-0032, cell 312-371-6391), in person, or by email, and please give me your answer by Monday, August 25, 2008 so that we can make a decision on where to have the replacement Volvo engine installed. At that time we will also need your decision on the $345 third-party inspection expenses, the $986 replacement boat rental expenses, and some statement of an extended installation warranty to insure a reliable new Volvo engine replacement.

We are trying to avoid the uncertainty, expense, work, and your long-term exposure of using the public website documentation in any necessary litigation to make our family whole again.  That is our sole objective.

Thank you for your consideration, Richard Ward

Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
155 N. Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
FAX & PH (312) 861-0032 (temp. Number)
permanent no. being repaired 312-938-0884
Add Free Alerts, Change, or Unsubscribe at:


from     Dan Robinson <dbcdan@sbcglobal.net>
to         richard ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
dateThu, Aug 14, 2008 at 11:50 AM
subject   Fw: Ward

----- Forwarded Message ----
From:      Dan Robinson <dbcdan@sbcglobal.net>
To:           mark duchow <mrdduchows@aol.com>
Sent:       Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:48:43 PM
Subject: Ward

Mr. Ward,
We have prepared an estimate to repair the freeze damage on your motor.  The estimate was figured with all genuine Volvo Penta parts.  The estimate with labor and tax comes to a total of $6778.60.

After discussing your situation with Mark Duchow, we decided to discount the repair to $3865 + tax. This is the estimated dealer cost of the parts and no labor.

You are an important customer to us.  We value your business.  We are willing to do this out of a act of customer service.   We did not damage your motor and we accept no responsibility for the freeze damage to your motor. However, we hope that this discount will help us to keep you as a satisfied customer. 

Daniel Robinson
Duchow's Boat Center


from     Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
to          christopher.roessler@consultant.volvo.com

cc         Mark Duchow <mrdmkd@aol.com>,Dan Robinson <dbcdan@sbcglobal.net>,
            Randy <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>

date      Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 10:37 PM
subject Improper winter season procedures during Volvo Warranty repair.

If You Have a Problem...with your Volvo-Penta product:
Your satisfaction with our products and dealer services is vital. Volvo Penta takes pride in
producing durable, reliable products, and our efforts are supported by a strong dealer
network. If you have questions about service or your product's performance, your Volvo
Penta dealer will be happy to answer them. There may be times, though, that, in spite of the
best intentions, differences develop between a boat owner and a dealer. If this happens to
you, Volvo Penta and your dealer will work together to pursue a reasonable resolution.

If you experience a problem with your Volvo Penta product:
Maintain a written record of events (the problem, related conversations/with whom, important dates, etc.), as well as any supporting documents (invoices, work orders, etc.).
      All available at:  http://duchows.homestead.com (password: "randy")

Then, take the following steps:

1. Discuss the matter with the appropriate department manager at the dealership (e.g.,
Service Manager, Parts Manager, etc.). Explain exactly what caused the problem and ask
what action will be taken. If the matter remains unresolved after a reasonable amount of time:

2. Discuss the matter with the Dealer Principal (usually the owner or co-owner of the
dealership). Explain what occurred in step 1.

If the matter is not resolved within a reasonable amount of time:

3. Contact the Consumer Affairs Department at:

Volvo Penta of the Americas, Inc. Volvo Penta Canada
1300 Volvo Penta Drive 7972 Enterprise Street
Chesapeake, VA 23320 Burnaby, BC V5A 1V7
(757) 436-5100 (604) 872-7511
  Email: "Roessler Chris (Consultant)" <christopher.roessler@consultant.volvo.com>
(757) 436-5150 FAX (604) 872-4606 FAX

Please be prepared to provide the following information:
• Your name, address, and daytime telephone number.
        Richard F. Ward, 155 N. Harbor Dr. #5101, Chicago, IL 60601  312-861-0032 (back-up cell 312-371-6391)
• The Volvo Penta product model and serial number for each major component in the
power package (engine, transom shield, drive, or transmission). Check your operator's
manual for the serial number plate location.
         Engine: Volvo 4.3 GL-G, Prod. 3869358, Ser. #4012213012
         Transom Shield Plate: SX-ALT42, Prod. 3883770
         Drive: SX-A, Ratio: 1.79, Prod.3883623, Ser. #4202198497        

• Date of purchase.
         Boat Delivered March 31, 2007
• Current engine operating hours....27.8 hours total
• Selling and/or Servicing Dealer's name.....Duchow's Boat Center, Fox Lake, Illinois.

• Description of the problem.....During a Volvo Warranty Repair to a split belt on my relatively new (27.8 hours) Volvo-Penta 4.3 GL-G engine , the Volvo certified technician and Volvo-Penta dealership claims to have run a previously owner-drained engine on their antifreeze tank. The boat went directly into storage in an unheated garage. Seven months later freeze damage was discovered apparently caused by the Volvo dealer using either plain water or excessively diluted antifreeze to wear test the warrenty belt replacement.
A detailed description of the communications, draining procedures, winter season procedures, and pictures of the damage are available for review on the working website http://duchows.homestead.com (password: "randy")

The dealer refuses to accept responsibility for the freeze damage that is the direct result of improper procedures while testing the tracking alignment and wear of the warranty belt replacement. Because of the relative newness of the engine and boat, we are seeking the reliability of a new replacement Volvo engine, rather than the less reliable long block local reassembly. The reuseable parts of the damaged engine will become the property of the dealer and/or Volvo-Penta. We purchased a new boat and motor to avoid the possible abuse of a used product, and desire to return to that same level of reliability, with an extended installation related warranty because of the local replacement of a new engine.

Thank you for your help in resolving this disagreement.

Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
155 N. Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
FAX & PH (312) 861-0032

from       Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
to           Randy <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>
cc           Mark Duchow - mrdmkd@aol.com, Dan robinson - dbcdan@sbcglobal.net

date       Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 5:07 PM
subject  Re: Emailing: Mount all bimini hardware as per vendor w.doc

Randy, those instructions are completely unusable:

Mount all bimini hardware as per vendor w/i, both port and stbd. (+/- 1/8")
Type of brackets, and where to mount brackets, changes from model to model.
Start installation by fastening main bow of bimini on both port and stbd sides.
Next, fasten stanchions both port and stbd.

Adjust straps evenly from side to side (+/- 1/4") pull straps so canvas can be installed to deck without strenuous effort. 
Should look like this when complete.

1) You may not have started with the correct hardware.  It appears that the middle bracket is mounted on top of the side window frame in BOTH the Glastron brochure as well as the picture you just sent in the "instructions". You mounted it on the fibreglass surface of the deck.

2) Note the instructions: Type of brackets, and where to mount brackets, changes from model to model. You have not given me the specific instructions that both you or Dan advised were faxed from Sunbrella, that were specific to the boat model.

3) As I advised in a previous email, the straps were not even unwrapped, so the installer just skipped this step.

4) So, you have still left me with a top that was installed on a tilt, with holes in the wrong place that will need patching, possibly without the specified brackets,  and with no measurements as a starting reference point.

That is 100% unsatisfactory, even for the second attempt. Please try harder.

Randy <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>
to        neweastside@gmail.com

date    Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 11:38 AM
subject   Fwd: Emailing: Mount all bimini hardware as per vendor w.doc

Hi Richard here is the info you asked me for .
Have a good day

Randy, 8-2-2008, 11:30 AM

from      Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
to           dbcdan@sbcglobal.net, dbcservice@sbcglobal.net

cc          mrdmkd@aol.com

date        Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 11:21 AM
subject   Thank you for meeting and inspection

Randy, much of the information that you need (boat, engine, and part numbers) is on the webpage I created at http://EngineBid2.homestead.com  Because we are replacing the engine of a relatively new boat, the recommendations I am getting generally favor a new  "bobtail" engine from Volvo, because of the difference in the number of hours to transfer the components to a new long-block narrows the gap in total cost.  Also the reliability of a remanufactured long block varies, depending on the facility, so I think we should avoid that option, again because we were seeking good reliability in purchasing a new boat last year.

So please provide a quotation, broken down for parts, shipping, estimated hours, and cost per hour, for both options of a new Volvo "bobtail", or a new long block. I assume there no differences in the new long blocks and they are all manufactured by GM Chevy.

Dan, thank you and Randy for taking the time yesterday for our unscheduled meeting, and to assign a technician to inspect the engine. I would like to confirm that, based on your report of the internal investigation and discussion with Kevin,  the technician that worked on our boat last Fall, you have concluded that the belt was tested by running the engine on your antifreeze tank. Therefore, the completeness of the draining that my son and I did before bringing the boat back for the belt warranty work could not have been a factor in the freeze damage. Also the suggested options that Randy initially explained (before knowing the areas of damage) for testing the new belt, of possibly running the engine dry for a brief time, or not running the engine at all will not be considered, based on your internal investigation. By deduction, the only cause of the freeze damage that remains is if the boat was used or the engine was run after leaving your facility on November 3, 2007 and when we initially discovered and reported to you, the apparent freeze damage on May 18, 2008. The only question you asked in our previous meeting with my wife was: Did we use the boat after picking it up last Fall? We both confirmed that the boat was driven directly to my son's unheated garage in Mount Prospect, and stored for the winter. We would consider obtaining affidavits from neighbors that witnessed the storage for 7 months, if that would convince Duchows to accept complete financial responsibility for the freeze damage.

I also want to confirm that you explained that you had been traveling with only your cell phone, and therefore were not able to view the pictures of the internal damage that were taken by our Progressive Insurance Boat Specialist and available to you on our working-website http://duchows.homestead.com (password: randy) I have attempted to be as accurate as possible, and have offered several times to correct anything that you felt was inaccurate. You commented that you were not a lawyer, and were concerned that if you admitted to "looking at" the website, it could be considered as some implicit approval of the content. Your legal counsel will confirm that ignoring communications is even more of a liability in any dispute, misunderstanding, or determination of responsibility.

Mark, the only available address from your domain registration appears to be a personal address...please advise what business email address you would prefer me to use.

Thank you both again for the unscheduled meeting, and for making it as comfortable as possible in this situation.....Richard


To:   Mark Duchow (Dealership Owner)  mrdmkd@AOL.COM
       Dan Robinson (Fox Lake Manager) dbcdan@sbcglobal.net

From:      Richard Ward (Boat Owner) neweastside@gmail.com

date        Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 10:27 PM

We have added the pictures by the Progressive Insurance Boat Specialist to the webpage http://duchows.homestead.com/damage.html (password: randy).

It should be clear now that Duchows ran the engine on plain water and "unwinterized" our relatively new engine, because of a series of internal miscommunications. Then the problem was compounded by telling us what we were assured and expected to hear: that the warranty belt replacement was tested on the antifreeze tank.

I will repeat from my last email: "If there is a chance that Duchows will reconsider your several denials of any financial responsibility, based on the more-complete accumulation of evidence, John and I will consider bringing the boat in for your requested inspection.  Please advise if you still desire to inspect the damage, or if the pictures by the certified mechanic and the insurance adjuster are sufficient, and if your position has changed with the more-complete evidence."

Our family has already lost the enjoyment of the 2008 boating season...we await your response.

Thank you, Richard Ward


To:   Mark Duchow (Dealership Owner)  mrdmkd@AOL.COM
       Dan Robinson (Fox Lake Manager) dbcdan@sbcglobal.net

From:      Richard Ward (Boat Owner) neweastside@gmail.com

Subject: More Complete Fact-Finding
Date:       July 24, 2008

From the moment I saw the foam coming out of the air intake, I knew that it would be a tough battle to prove that the damage was caused by Duchow's either over-heating the engine by running it without coolant, or running it with either plain water or excessively diluted antifreeze on October 24, 2007. My son John and I anticipated that the business model for dealing with engine damage is to simply deny responsibility. That is exactly what we have experienced in subsequent emails, phone conversations and one meeting with the General Manager.

As I told Dan Robinson during his meeting with my wife and myself, we know with first-hand certainty what steps we took to care for our significant $23,000 investment, and any denials from the service writer or the general manager were only second-hand information that would never be accepted in court. It was made very difficult to even get a copy of the internal work order, and we even had difficulty getting an answer to the question: Did the same person do all three items on the work order? And what was the experience level of the person or persons working on our boat? And was the person still employed by Duchows? We finally were given a copy, and the same person KH signed off for all three items, was reported to be an experienced employee and still works at the Fox Lake facility. The dealership has been silent in explaining the results of their internal investigation and interview with Kevin, and giving us their version of what happened. The stories changed twice already (run on antifreeze - run dry - not run),  and all Duchow personnel wanted to examine the extent and location of the damage before committing to any version.

The normal defense used by the general manager of the "disclaimer stamp" on the work order is of no use because we never saw or signed the work order. The statement CUST W/Z HIMSELF, written by the general manager after my son had to explain that the engine was already drained BEFORE bringing it in for service, and also the fact that we were told that it had been run on an antifreeze tank to preserve the winterization. The general manager should have confirmed that information with his service people, but he apparently did not follow-up, but someone later deceptively wrote CUST WINTERIZED on the internal copy. Now we know that Duchows had actually UN-WINTERIZED the engine, that my son and I had carefully drained, and advised Duchows by both  phone and email .

All of our research and communications have been compiled on the working website: http://duchows.homestead.com (password: randy) Our fact-finding, including an independent Volvo certified mechanic inspection of the engine interior, leads us to the conclusions that:  1) The engine was run by Kevin H. on a fresh water hose, and/or in a tank with excessively diluted antifreeze (because it was at the end of the season).  2) The engine was run long enough to consume all but ½ gallon of the one-quarter tank that we stabilized after our last trip on the Fox River, before draining the cooling system on 10-20-07.  3) Kevin was not informed on the work order that the engine had been drained for winter by the owners before bringing it in for service, which was reported to be the standard procedure of Randy, the service writer.  4) Then, Randy assumed Kevin ran the engine on an antifreeze tank, because it was after September 1st (although according to the advertised Duchow's procedures, it is run up to temperature initially on plain water – see ad webpage, step 4 of 9) .   5) And on 11-3-07, as the boat was being picked up, Dan Robinson detected possible problems, but did nothing to follow-up with his service personnel.

We believed what we were told, and were confident that the engine had effectively been double-winterized (drained by us and run on antifreeze for the belt test). The boat went directly from Duchows to John Ward's garage in Mt. Prospect. The owners did everything right, and it appears that Duchows did nearly everything wrong. Now after 9 weeks of fact-finding, we expect Duchows will accept complete responsibility, and that the boat will be returned to the same relatively new condition (27.8 hours) with a new Volvo warranted engine, and an extended warranty to insure the quality and reliability of the local installation. A preferable alternative  to the boat owners is to return the 27.8 hour boat to Duchows and receive a full refund of all money given to Duchows. We purchased a new boat to avoid the uncertainty of possible abuse in a used boat. We were blind-sided with the abuse of our new boat coming during initial warranty work at your Duchows dealership.  Unfortunately, we have been forced to accept the nearly complete loss of the family enjoyment for the 2008 boating season.

We will consider the only negotiable items of the actual family boat rental expenses
(3 rentals= $986.43, receipts avail.), and whether the fact-finding working website will be visible to search engines by deleting the password requirement. We believe we have some obligation to share our experience with others, so they can possibly avoid our 9 weeks of worry and sleepless nights. Our experience of documenting with email has proven valuable, and would be useful to others. However, we have remained confident, knowing that we followed all the recommended procedures, and evidence now clearly indicates: A) dealer internal miscommunication, and B) inaccurate statements to owners - resulted in a serious financial threat to our family.

We again invite Duchows to recommend corrections to the accuracy of the information on the website. We will either confirm the website information or correct any factual errors. We want to avoid any liability exposure due to inaccurate information.

When differences develop between a boat owner and a dealer, we are considering seeking the help of the Volvo-Penta Consumer Affairs Department that is described in the Warranty Information booklet.

We have received a competitive estimate to replace the severely damaged engine, based on our independent Volvo-Penta certified-mechanic inspection (see damage page on website). Note the report of the inspection: "Partially drained oil and water from inside of block. Removed intake manifold.  Valley of block cracked.  Also intake manifold cracked. Motor must have been full of water during hard freeze."

We will be adding additional photos that were taken on July 23rd by our Progressive insurance claim adjuster, as well as his recommendations. An initial report indicates that our boat insurance apparently excludes freeze damage.

If there is a chance that Duchows will reconsider your several denials of any financial responsibility, based on the more-complete accumulation of evidence, John and I will consider bringing the boat in for your requested inspection.  Please advise if you still desire to inspect the damage, or if the pictures by the certified mechanic and the insurance adjuster are sufficient, and if your position has changed with the more-complete evidence.

We have sent a copy of this email to Mark Duchow, because he was the person that we purchased the boat from in January, 2007. Also, as our disagreement could become more public, it may have some effect on other Duchow facilities.

Thank you for your reconsideration.

Sincerely, John and Richard Ward (currently at 312-938-0884)


From:     Dan Robinson <dbcdan@sbcglobal.net>
to     richard ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
cc     Dave Dudley <dbcdave@sbcglobal.net>,service fox <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>
date  Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 11:20 AM
subject     185 gt

Hi Richard,
I just got out of a service meeting.  One place they think the damage may be is the bottom of the intake manifold.  If it is split, it will drop water directly down into the engine.  This would be a good scenario.  Easy, not very expensive fix.  However, it would require the removal of the intake manual for inspection.

The tech's also expressed concern over the fact that the milky oil/water was sitting in the engine.  To prevent further damage they advise that the oil be removed and flushed asap.  They do not like the water sitting around the crank and bearings.

If you can't schedule a time with John to bring the boat up in the next week, I think you should let us (under your supervision)  pick up the boat.

Your call.  Let me know if this will work.



fromRichard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
to    dbcdan@sbcglobal.net
cc   "Ward, John P
              HEATHER MENGARELLI <hchamp@sbcglobal.net>,
              "dbcservice@sbcglobal.net" <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>
dateFri, Jun 13, 2008 at 9:49 AM

Mr. Daniel Robinson, I appreciate you entering the discussion on the responsibility for the apparent freeze damage to our new Glastron GT-185 that we purchased from Duchow's in January, 2007. I agree that this written discussion should be directly between the two of us, while still copying Heather and Randy in the communication loop, as well as my son John.

Your June 4th response to John's email helped to shed some light on the possible communication problems related to the freeze damage. John did not realize he was talking to you, as the General Manager of the dealership, when on 11/3/07, you personally added the notation on our copy of the work order: "Customer W/Z Himself". John knew that we had clearly advised both Randy and Heather (including a 10/24 email) that we had already carefully drained the engine at the 9 locations specified in the Volvo manual, because freezing temperatures were predicted. This is my 4th boat, so I knew how important it was to probe each opening with a wire and to insure the engine was tipped both forward and back for complete drainage. We then closed all the openings because we were promised the new belt would be run-tested at varying speeds to insure proper tracking and wear.  John thought it was strange that you would write something like that at the last minute, and he explained again to you that the engine had been drained BEFORE bringing it in for the warranty work.

In a recent phone conversation with Randy, my notes reflect that he said something that was very illuminating: If it's written on the work order that the customer has winterized the boat, the mechanic knows to run it in antifreeze, or we're going to be in trouble next year. We appreciate that informative statement. Heather had advised that Randy had the paperwork, but he could not recall if the same mechanic did all the recall and warranty work, or even if the mechanic was still employed there, because he called from the shop floor. We would like to know if it was the same mechanic, what his work experience has been at Duchow's, and his certifications. That information would be helpful to our understanding of what happened. I would have expected for those questions to be researched early in your inquiry, and Randy should have been able to answer my questions, especially if the mechanic was still employed. He mentioned you had 4 mechanics. Do you also have part time mechanics?

Putting your email together with that statement from Randy explains that neither you nor the mechanic was given accurate information on the work order that the engine had already been drained for the impending freezing temperatures, that began on 11-2-07, while the boat was in Duchow's outside yard. That apparently is the reason you, as General Manager, made the notation on the work order AFTER the mechanic had replaced the split belt and run-tested the engine, as reported on the work-order.  We also never saw the "not responsible" stamp you referred to on the work order until John picked up the boat on November 3rd, because the work order was prepared after we dropped off the boat.

Everyone agrees on both sides that there was considerable verbal and email discussion of running the engine in an antifreeze tank. None of that discussion would have been relevant or meaningful if BOTH sides did not agree and understand that there was a need to run the engine to insure that the premature wear and belt splitting would not reoccur. So either the service personnel violated that trust and understanding by NOT sufficiently running the engine, or that story was invented as a defense to avoid being responsible for damaging a relatively new engine that had been carefully drained according to the operator's manual. We would also like confirmation of the records you keep on the concentration of your antifreeze tank, to insure that it does not become overly-diluted with heavy use. Your diluted antifreeze would be the only factor during the "harsh winter" you referred to, and that would also be your responsibility, because we did not add any antifreeze (or any liquids) after draining the engine prior to your recall and warranty work on October 24, 2007.

We have spent the last several weeks, since we discovered the engine damage, assembling all the information that was available to recreate the chain of events in 2007. We also documented the earlier discrepancies that eroded our confidence in the quality of your service. We believed you had a good reputation before we purchased our boat, and we want to be confident that you are capable of a high quality repair of the damage to our engine.  The battery, tachometer, and bimini top problems, as well as the winterizing procedures, and email records are conveniently available for both sides to review at http://duchows.homestead.com  Many of the emails are not relevant to the current discussion, but they were included to complete an accurate record. The information is not public and can be accessed with the password: "randy". If you find anything inaccurate, please advise and we will confirm or correct the information.

The only information that is missing from the 3 webpages is a completely legible copy of the work order, because the mechanic's notes are not clear on our copy. I would appreciate you sending a copy to Richard Ward, 155 N. Harbor #5101, Chicago, IL 60601. Also please include a copy of the Sunbrella bimini top installation instructions.

We understand your desire to inspect the engine and bimini top problems, and will welcome any further explanation or information that would help in determining financial responsibility to return our boat to the condition when we brought it in for the recall and warranty work. We request that you carefully reconsider your initial denial, because of the more complete information you have provided and we have assembled.

Thank you for your objective consideration, Richard and John Ward


from   Dan Robinson <dbcdan@sbcglobal.net>
to    john.p.ward, richard f. ward neweastside@gmail.com
cc   Dave Dudley <dbcdave@sbcglobal.net>,
              service fox <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>
dateWed, Jun 4, 2008 at 2:29 PM
subject    Boat Issues

Hi Richard and John,

My staff has brought your recent problem to my attention.  Please direct future correspondence to me.  My email is dbcdan@sbcglobal.net .

In reading your emails it seems that you are not clear on our stance on the possible "freeze damage" issue.  In the fall, I asked if you wanted us to winterize your boat.  You said "no".

You said you would winterize your boat.  I wrote on your work order "customer w/z" across from the statement that says "we are not responsible for freeze damage". I believe you have a copy of this work order.

We absolutely did not cause any freeze damage or put any water in your engine.  If we run an engine for any extended period in the fall, we run it on an antifreeze tank.

You are a valued customer. Our shop wanted to examine your motor purely out of a customer service gesture to see how we could help you.  You mentioned a possible defect in the engine.  We can't definitively find out the cause of the problem without inspection.  However, I believe it is freeze damage.  It was a harsh winter.  We have had a few other "do it yourself" winterizations that have come in for freeze damage estimates this year.

Let me know if you would like us to inspect the boat. You won't have to wait in line and we can give you a accurate estimate of the damage.

Could we get photo's of the bimini issue?

Please advise,

Daniel Robinson


fromWard, John P
to   HEATHER MENGARELLI <hchamp@sbcglobal.net>
cc  Randy <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>, Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
dateMon, Jun 2, 2008 at 5:22 PM
subject   RE: AFTER 5/28/08 CALL FROM RANDY


Would it be possible to have a conference call to discuss our broken engine?  Would Wednesday at 10 AM be a good time?  Please invite Randy and Dave Dudley.  My Dad worked with Mark Duchow at the boat show, so please invite him, if he is available.


From our perspective without being boat mechanics, you must understand that it is hard to see how we could be responsible for the damage.  It seems either water was added during the belt change or the engine failed due to defect.  The water would be your responsibility – a defect would be covered by the 2 year Volvo Penta warranty.  It seems the only way we could be responsible is if we did not perform winterization – but you should feel more than comfortable based on numerous discussions and emails last fall that we did this correctly.

As you are in the boat business, I would hope that you would make it right again by educating us on how you would perform diagnosis, how you would correct the problem, and how you would work payment from insurance or warranty depending on the cause.  Our mechanic acquaintances, both with marine and automotive engine experience, have been much more informative on the process than you have.

If there was something you felt could be our responsibility, you should explain this.  But the few people we have discussed it with all seem to point to water getting in the engine as to be far the most likely cause.   What we are hearing from you seems to be setting up for a denial of any responsibility:
Your story has changed since last fall about using anti-freeze during the belt replacement.  The two new “dry” methods you have told us about, no start and short start, both avoid your responsibility for potential freeze damage.  Last fall, we had multiple assurances (both email and verbal) that the belt fix would not invalidate our winterization because it would be done with antifreeze.   

You now are saying you started it for less than 30 seconds with no water or didn’t start it at all.  There was almost no gas in the tank when I filled it up – there were several gallons in the fall when we stabilized the gas.  (I was terrified when I was filling it that I was pouring gas into the engine compartment when the BP station’s gas pump went past 20 gallons.)

You told us an extra winterization step is required of adding antifreeze after the engine is drained.   This is not in the engine maintenance manual.  We are concerned that this type of invention could be repeated in the future to further avoid responsibility.

We love the boat and want a good repair.  You must understand that we are concerned with your ability to do a good job on the repairs.  Fundamentally, we gave you a working boat and it doesn’t work after we got it back.  Also, the quality of the Bimini top installation was clearly poor as the fiberglass was cracked and the top angled.  This is a clue that the repair person lacked experience.

Unfortunately, your explanations and avoidances to date make us feel that we need to have someone else perform the diagnosis.   We say unfortunately because we expect the responsible party, which could be you, would pay for this portion of the repair.  We don’t want to tarnish your reputation and expect you don’t want this problem handled by another dealer.  We also don’t want to make it hard for you to file for insurance, understand the diagnosis, or complete the repair.  So we would like to get feedback from you on information you would be looking for or other warranty requirements such as mechanic certifications, part preservation, Volvo Penta inspection, insurance adjustor inspection, etc.

We have attached a few pictures we took so you can start to see the condition.  Note the side picture with the port slightly popped out above the drain, left of the “4G” letters.

Let us know about Wednesday at 10 AM – I could set up a phone conference bridge when you confirm the date and time, if you would like this.

John (and Richard) Ward


fromRandy <dbcservice@sbcglobal.net>
dateFri, May 30, 2008 at 11:06 AM
subjectEngine problems


Richard Ward, This is Randy at Duchows Boat Center. I would like you to bring the boat in so we can see what's wrong with it.

Thank you and have a good day.



from    Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
toHEATHER MENGARELLI <hchamp@sbcglobal.net>
cc       "Ward, John P
date     Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:50 PM
subject AFTER 5/28/08 CALL FROM RANDY

Heather, I just got off the phone with Randy, and rather that confirming what you told me, that the engine was run in an anti-freeze tank to insure that the new belt would not wear prematurely, he now is hedging that it could have been run for only a short time or not at all...and not in the anti-freeze tank, as I was advised by you. I am not pleased when stories change, possibly to shift responsibility for the probable freeze damage. He also advised that even when all 9 drain points are cleared in a level engine, there still is a need to add anti-freeze "in the belly of the engine". I remember no such reference in the operating manual recommended procedures.

Randy wants to examine the engine to determine the location of the damage, and offered to tow the boat from the Lower Fox. With the information changing whether the engine was run or not, my confidence of getting an objective analysis is not as high as it should be. I will discuss with my son, whether we should obtain an independent opinion, before allowing the boat out of our custody.

We talked briefly about the bimini top, and he had called from the shop and did not have access to my repair paperwork. Therefore he did not know about my request for a copy of the installation instructions, nor did he know if the top and the belt work was done by the same possibly under-qualified person. He also confirmed that IF the engine had been run after September 1st, it would have been run in the anti-freeze tank. And he assured me that if the engine was run, it would not have been run with a fresh water hose connected to the engine flush port. Although in my mind, that could have been a possibility, because this Spring we filled the 23-gallon tank, with 22.5 gallons, that would indicate it was possibly run for an extended period to check for unusual belt wear, as promised. I had added fuel stabilizer last Fall before returning it fully drained and winterized to your shop, and it would be unlikely to add stabilized to only a half gallon.

Thank you Heather for being the communication go-between. I wish Randy would be available for email communications, because there is no record of phone conversations. Resolving communication disagreements is more difficult with many months and poor memories. Fortunately, there are several emails between you and I, and between my son and I, that shed sufficient light on the timeline and assurances given and received.

Please forward a copy of this email to Randy, and I will advise, after discussing with my son.

Thank you, Richard
Richard F. Ward (also 3711 Hale, Island Lake, 847-487-2555)
155 N. Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
FAX & PH (312) 938-0884


From:     Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
Date:     Tue, May 20, 2008 at 12:07 PM
To:         HEATHER MENGARELLI <hchamp@sbcglobal.net>
Cc:        "Ward, John P

We are leaving to visit family in Halifax, Nova Scotia this afternoon and plan to return this Sunday. So please ask Dave or Randy to keep me up-to-date by email if there are any questions. Also please share with them your recollection of our phone conversation where you confirmed that, after the freezing season had begun, if the engine needed to be run after installing the new belt, it would always be done in the antifreeze tank. In an October 24th email regarding my decision not to purchase the 4-year extended service agreement, I also advised that the engine had already been winterized by me and was carefully drained from all 9 locations specified in the maintenance manual. My son checked the weather records in McHenry county, and the apparent freeze damage could have occurred on your storage lot just before the boat was picked up.

If we can think of other information that your insurance carrier may find helpful, I will continue to communicate through you. Apparently Dave and Randy do not check their email very often, as I recall.

Regards, Richard


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 9:19 AM,
HEATHER MENGARELLI <hchamp@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

Hello Richard,
I have received your emails and have forwarded them to the service department.  Service is closed on Mondays and they will be in contact with you today to resolve these issues.  If you need anything else just let me know.


   FOX LAKE, IL 60020


From:   "Richard Ward" <neweastside@gmail.com>
To:        "HEATHER MENGARELLI -DUCHOWS" <hchamp@sbcglobal.net>
Cc:       "Ward, John P
Sent:     Monday, 5/19/08 7:34 PM

Heather, it is now Monday evening and I remember that some of my earlier emails last year ended up in your spam folder. Since then I have switched to a Gmail program, so I might have that same problem again.

Also, I reread my email from yesterday, and please do not consider it an authorization to tow the boat from behind my home, without first making arrangements with me to remove all the personal equipment from the boat and take pictures of the tan foam on the side of the engine that apparently came from under the air intake cover. I also may obtain an independent opinion of the preferred repair or replacement options, depending on the location of the problem. I will only allow  a third party to inspect the exterior of the engine, and not allow any disassembly or internal inspection, because I assume your insurance carrier will prefer to specify the location of the internal examination.

Also please track down the installation instructions for the bimini top and send me a copy please.

Please acknowledge receipt of both this email and yesterdays.

Thank you, Richard


From   Richard Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
to        HEATHER MENGARELLI -DUCHOWS <hchamp@sbcglobal.net>
cc      "Ward, John P ,Richard-Gmail Ward <neweastside@gmail.com>
date     Sun, May 18, 2008 at 5:42 PM

First the problem, my son has reserved a home in Wisconsin for the week of June 12th, and had planned to enjoy our new boat. Now we will need a loaner, while the disappointments are solved.

You recall that I ordered the boat in January, 2007 but didn't get the bimini top until October, and my wife cannot be in the sun, so we lost any mid-day enjoyment.

After I had already winterized the boat in October (because of several freezing nights), I finally was able to arrange a time to: 1) get the bimini top installed, 2) replace the engine belt under warranty, and 3) install the trailer pin involved in a recall. After we had dropped off the boat, I was worried that your maintenance people would run the boat to test the new belt, and not properly leave it in the drained winterized condition that I had returned it. When I called and shared my concern, you checked and reassured me that all work involving running the engine, after freezing temperatures have been experienced, is always done in an anti-freeze tank.

After my son picked up the boat, it went directly to his garage for the winter, and was not used until today.

Today was the first day when we were going to put the boat in the water. The first disappointment came when we raised the bimini top for the first time, and learned that it had been improperly installed and the top is tilted about 25 degrees higher in front, and apparently had never been checked because the straps were still wrapped. I would expect that this is the kind of a job that would be assigned to a relatively junior employee, but he was not properly supervised and even failed to leave the installation instructions along with the operating instructions. The gelcoat was also damaged, and will need to be professionally repaired, because the employee apparently did not know how to begin a drilled hole by running the bit in reverse.

The second disappointment is a major problem. Apparently after this same inexperienced employee installed the new belt, he ran the engine to insure it was tracking smoothly, but was not told to use the anti-freeze tank after freezing temperatures were being experienced. The fresh water tank should be drained after the freezing season has started, so this costly mistake cannot happen in the future. The engine block is apparently cracked and the cooling water immediately mixed with the oil after the engine was started for the first time this season. The light tan foam bubbling up from the air intake is a very disheartening sight. I assume the engine will replaced at your expense, and the boat is on my boat lift just south of 176 on the Lower Fox. ("3711 Hale" sign on the dock on the east bank of the river) I would appreciate you arranging a tow to your facility, and hope that I will not lose too much of the boating season.

Now to the problem of my son's June 12th scheduled vacation in a $2000 per week rental home on a lake. We would appreciate the use of a loaner boat and trailer for that week, so the vacation boating experience will not be lost.

We are returning to Chicago Monday and can be reached at the address below. Our Island Lake contact information is 3711 Hale Lane, 60042, 847-487-2555, and for emergency contact my cell phone is 312-371-6391.

Sincerely, Richard

Richard F. Ward
155 N. Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
FAX & PH (312) 938-0884


No communications occurred during the 7 months that the boat was being stored over the winter in John Ward's garage in Mount Prospect.


From:  Richard Ward [mailto:neweastside@hotmail.com]
Sent:   Thursday, November 01, 2007 11:32 AM
To:       Ward, John P
Subject: boat and door height

John, I would rather not ask them to measure the height of the boat. When they called and asked why I had not picked up the boat (they had opened their email), I asked them how long it took to add the top, replace the belt, and change the bolt. They said about 1 1/2 hours. Then I compared that to the inconvenience of you coming out from Mt. Prospect TWICE and being required to leave the boat for their convenience rather than making an appointment and fixing it while we waited.

So just measure your garage when you get home tonight, give me that measurement...and you can either go out there Saturday yourself...or back to plan A...where I'll swap cars and measure it myself when I pick up the boat on Saturday.

It seems to me that it would have fit in my garage when I considered storing it inside myself...but I can't remember??? And garage doors are pretty standard in height.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


From:       Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:        Mon 10/29/07 1:48 PM
To:           Randy DUCHOWS (dbcservice@sbcglobal.net)
Cc:           John P Ward

Randy, my son went to Cancun for his 10th Anniversary, so I had no SUV tow truck last weekend. I am aiming for Saturday afternoon 11/3 to pick-up my boat. Hope to see you then.......Regards, Richard

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


From:  Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:   Wed 10/24/07 4:14 PM
To:      John P Ward-HP

I got a call from Randy at Duchows and the boat is ready for pick-up. They added the bimini top, changed the belt, and changed the trailer bolt. They also ran the engine (always in the anti-freeze tank at this time of year) to check the replacement belt, so our work of draining the engine was not necessary (but good experience for future years).

We are going to a wake on Saturday, and I could swap cars  late on Saturday...if that would be easier for you. We'll talk before then.

Love ya, Dad

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


RE:    Decision not to purchase extended Service.
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Wed 10/24/07 3:30 PM
To:     HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Thank you Heather...have a great day....Regards, Richard

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


Date:     Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:08:15 -0700
From:     hchamp@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: Decision not to purchase extended Service.
To:         neweastside@hotmail.com

Hello Richard,

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused and not being able to provide you with an extended protection plan.  I have credited your card back in the amount of $599.00.  Which you should see back on your statement within the next 5-7 business days.  If you have any questions please contact me any time at 847-973-1100.  I hope you and your family enjoy the Holiday Season and I look forward to talking to you in the future.



FOX LAKE, IL 60020


Decision not to purchase extended Service.
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Wed 10/24/07 11:04 AM
To:     Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)
Cc:     John P Ward

Heather, I got back to downtown Chicago and the "Application For Marine Service Agreement" was in my mailbox.

It appears that I am already in violation of the first requirement in the Agreement: "I understand it is my responsibility to maintain and service the above watercraft and equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. RECEIPTS SHOWING DATES AND SERVICES PERFORMED MUST BE RETAINED by the agreement holder, and furnished upon request to the Administrator in the event of a claim."

For example, because of the $180 winterizing fee, I decided to perform my own maintenance. I carefully followed the Operator's Manual for all 9 drains points. I also intend to change oil and filters myself and perform other routine maintenance, and therefore would be inviting problems (by not having receipts) if any work was required in the 4-year extended service agreement.

Even the "recommended" (not required) $243.00 20-hour Initial Service Inspection, would become a "requirement" for extended coverage, based on the application wording. And that introduces another potential misunderstanding because the Duchows 20-hour inspection includes the added procedure of removing the stern drive, which is not recommended in the Operator's Manual.

Therefore, in order to avoid future problems with coverage, I will not be signing and returning the Application. I would appreciate you removing the $599 advance phone payment from my credit card.

I would suggest that, in the future, you provide: 1) sales brochure, 2) application form, and 3) sample Agreement to new owners and advise them they have a full 12 months to make a decision on the extended service agreement. I recall that you advised that you would hold the extended service application you had prepared for closing for only 30 days. It would have been appreciated if you would have shared your experience that after several months the price usually had been reduced to $799 in previous years. This year was the lowest follow-up offering at a presumably still profitable 50% off at $599.

I would appreciate you acknowledging receipt of this email.

Thank you, Richard

Richard F. Ward
3711 Hale Lane
Island Lake, IL 60042
(currently at 312-938-0884)


RE:    50%
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Sat 10/20/07 10:23 AM
To:      HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)
Cc:     John P Ward-

Just got off the phone to you...it is always good talking with such a pleasant lady. Also Randy just called and OK'd me just dropping off the boat after hours on Sunday evening by leaving my name and phone number on the boat - and calling Tuesday to confirm the requested work. He explained that was usually not allowed, but he understands that I must rely on my son driving out from Mt. Prospect with the tow vehicle.

Thanks for reassuring me that the $599 rate for an additional 4 years (total 6 years) was better than what has been offered in recent years (it was $799 last year) primarily because of your volume, and being able to negotiate with the insurer and Volvo-Penta. I'll watch my mailbox (at the below address) for the papers to sign.

Thank you Heather

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


Date:      Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:09:05 -0700
From:     hchamp@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: 50%
To:         neweastside@hotmail.com

Hello Richard,

I'm glad Jersey Boys was a great show.  Randy our service writer wants to go see them.  I just saw Wicked last weekend and I thought it was a great show as well.  It amazes me the stamina people have to put on a production like that.

This is all the information that you requested on the Volvo Penta 50% off sale.  I'm sorry I do not have an electronic version of this the forward to you.  If you would like more of an elaboration on anything about this warranty just give me a call.

The warranty is for 4 additional warranty years including the 2 years you already have.  So you will have a total of 6 years. The warranty is only $599.  It covers your drive, lower unit, control systems, in line transmission, closed cooling system, upper drive gear unit, transom shield, steering systems, power trim system, electrical system, air/fuel system, seal and gaskets, a portion of on water towing, and a portion of hoist/lift-out.  This sale ends today but if you are interested I can find out if I can get an extension till Monday.  If you would like to receive this offer give me a call and I can take payment over the phone and then mail out the application for you to sign.  This way I can submit your payment into Volvo Penta.

If you have any other questions please give me a call at 847-973-1100.



FOX LAKE, IL 60020


Re:     50%
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Thu 10/18/07 8:59 AM
To:      Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Heather, Jersey Boys was a great show !!

I am downtown and my boat file is in Island Lake. Is there an electronic version about what is covered that could be copied and pasted? Or just a brief description of how much? what's covered? and how long? and deadline for acceptance?

We still need to visit for the biminni top and replacement belt that is being held for us.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


         Volvo 4.3 manual
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Tue 8/07/07 2:01 PM
To:      dbcservice@sbcglobal.net (dbcservice@sbcglobal.net); Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Randy, I am interested in purchasing a repair manual for my Volvo 4.3 engine if it a reasonable price. Please order one and let me know when it arrives. Also let me know if you have the replacement belt in stock - set aside for me. It is my intention to have the bimini top installed, get the belt replaced, and purchase the manual when all three are in stock.

I read the manufacturer's manual and it recommends getting the "20-hour check" between 20 and 50 hours. It is not required to insure that the warranty remains in effect, as you mentioned in an earlier phone conversation.  It also does not suggest removing the stern drive or replacing any of the drive fluids, just checking them. Right now I have about 22 hours on the boat, so I will consider that check, possibly with any work that may be desirable at the end of the season. I will try to schedule both the top and the belt work in one visit when my son's SUV is available, to save an extra trip for him to your shop from Mt. Prospect. I'll also bring the trailer replacement bolt when I visit.

Please advise the cost of the manual, and I assume the belt will be replaced under warranty. Also let me know when both are in stock, and please do not give my top to another customer.

Heather, I was able to get a trailer license sticker for the next year at the Sec. of State office in downtown Chicago, and also learned that I had only paid about $20 for the last quarter of the fiscal year through your office (with the title registration). So it made me feel better when the decal was only good for 3 days when I received it initially with the plate.

Richard F. Ward (sometimes at 847-487-2555)
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


RE:    BOAT discrepancies to date
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent: Fri 7/27/07 10:39 AM
To:     HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Thanks Heather...I expected to get a renewal application shortly after the plate arrived, but apparently the computers in Springfield did not recognize that the plate and sticker they sent was only good for 3 days !! I'll try to get the application at least sent (and copied for the officer that may spot me), before bringing the boat back on the trailer for the over-due 20-hour check.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


Date:     Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:12:20 -0700
From:    hchamp@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: FW: BOAT discrepancies to date
To:        neweastside@hotmail.com

Hi Richard,

I do not have a trailer renewal application.  You should be getting one for the secretary of state.  If you do not get one you can go to any DMV or currency exchange.  I also think you can renew on line.



FOX LAKE, IL 60020


FW:   BOAT discrepancies to date
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Wed 7/25/07 5:51 PM
To:     dbcservice@sbcglobal.net
Cc:     Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Randy, this is the original list that I submitted on June 23rd.  When we talked today that the Bimini cover had finally arrived, you also advised that the 20 hour check was required and I was amazed that I was not advised the cost could be $243, to basically change the oil after break-in, and inspect things to insure that the boat was manufactured properly. That certainly seems like the responsibility of the manufacturer. We already know that it was not - the belt is not on the same plane and has split the length. I assume it has been ordered when I first advised you last month. And the tach does not work properly on either #3 or the #5 you suggested several weeks ago - another manufacturing defect.

One item from the "package" that was missing was the cooler and one of the wax or cleaner bottles on the list. I am not near my file, so cannot remember what was missing.

Please advise when the belt has arrived and what the factory advises about the water pump pulley being off-plane (possibly missing a spacer).

I also advised today that I have the recall part for the trailer and it has to be installed by you.

Do you have an application for the trailer renewal?

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent: Mon 7/23/07 4:44 PM
To:      Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Heather, I ordered the bimini top in January- paid for it about March - got the boat in about April- and July is almost over. My wife should not be in the sum, so the few times she has been in the boat have been near dusk. A few weeks ago Randy was going to call me right back with an explanation of the problem, but he never did.

This weekend, we saw some folks for the third time that just bought a boat from you and they mentioned us and our 6 month wait. The people they were talking to about their bimini top, said there was no one waiting for 6 months for a top. So what is the story - when was it ordered and when is the expected delivery date?

I had also reported many items, including that the tach had been set on #3 at the factory and the max rpm was 3450. Randy suggested trying #5 and that is wrong too. So what is another good option (hopefully recommended after consulting with the factory)?

I also have the recall pin to install on the trailer recall, and I'll bring that when I come in for the 20-hour check. I am slightly past that now.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


RE:     BOAT discrepancies to date
From:  Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Tue 6/26/07 7:46 PM
To:      HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Thank you for the information on the trailer expiration. The plate arrived without a renewal application and will expire in a few days. I am probably not the first person to think that something was wrong. You may add a note to your new owner briefing. I don't expect to use the trailer except to return for my 20-hour check, but when I do the plate will have expired - and I may have to explain the problem to a police officer !!

I hope the maintenance person will explain why the bimini top has been on back-order since January. Is there an expected arrival date?

When installing the battery box to legally cover the ten exposed connections, I discovered the navigation light lens in the back of the bilge, so your parts-person should cross that off the list.

Thanks, Richard (847) 487-2555

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:55:32 -0700
From: hchamp@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: BOAT discrepancies to date
To: neweastside@hotmail.com

Hello Richard,

Every trailer plate expires in June.  The fees for getting the initial plate and title are quarterly.  The first time fee is most expensive due to the trailer title fee of $65.00.  Your renewals will be somewhere around $50.00.

Service should be contacting you regarding your other questions if they haven't already.  If you have any other questions or need anything please contact me.



FOX LAKE, IL 60020


         BOAT discrepancies to date
From:  Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:   Sat 6/23/07 8:56 PM
To:      duchowsboats@sbcglobal.net (duchowsboats@sbcglobal.net); Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

1). I discovered that 3/16 inches of the belt that wraps around 4 pulleys has been separated from the remainder of the belt, apparently because the water pump pulley is approximately that distance behind the flat plane that all 4 pulleys should be aligned with. The remaining 3 pulleys continue to track (both static and dynamically) against the rear of the other three pulleys, and the cut edge tracks against the front flange of the water pump pulley. This appears to be a serious design discrepancy of the engine, or possibly a spacer was omitted during assembly or the pulley was attached to the water pump shaft 3/16 inch too far towards the rear. I wanted to alert you to this problem, that may be either an easy adjustment or a more difficult problem to solve.

2) I have already advised you of the discrepancy that the tachometer (currently on #3 pulse setting) was apparently not set properly for the 6 cylinder engine. This is apparently an easy adjustment, and I assume that no harm was done to the engine during the initial break-in because I was carefully adhering to the recommended RPM, and later found that I was actually 50% over the limits.

3) The first time I used the navigation lights, I discovered that the lens for the white light is missing, and only the bare bulb was there. I could see the threads for the lens and searched the engine compartment but it was not found. So this should be ordered now, and it may arrive before my 20-hour check visit.

4) My wife is allergic to the sun and has not been able to ride in the boat during afternoons because the bimini top has apparently not arrived in your shop that should have been ordered in January, when I purchased the boat. I assume you will advise me as soon as it arrives, and I will make a special trip to have it installed.

5) There is significant clouding and distortion on the curved windshields that we will be discussing to determine if it is a design flaw, or a manufacturing defect.

6) The issue of the "snaps" for the ordered mooring cover that was a competitive match to the existing purchase order for the Bayliner boat will be a topic for discussion. Everyone at Duchows was consistent is allowing my "misconception" to conveniently continue, so that the "shipping container" with manual tie plastic lines could be delivered without the impossible addition of the agreed snaps. It was compounded by everyone knowing that I lived on the Fox River and intended to keep my boat on a lift that I would be purchasing from Capt. Rods, at your recommendation. Can you imagine the difficulty of covering the boat on the lift (in the water) with the "custom mooring cover" without snaps that you delivered. We will be discussing an adjustment at my next visit between the value of the Bayliner mooring cover with snaps and the delivered mooring cover, where a higher quality model is available at Menards for $91 (on sale $74).

7) My son was stopped by the McHenry County Sheriff boat and advised that both battery terminals must be properly covered in the marine regulations, including the negative terminal on the battery. It was a potential $75 fine. Also the Glastron Operators Manual prohibits wing-nuts for attaching the cables to the battery. I have since purchased a battery box from West Marine, and they concur that BOTH terminals must be covered in the marine regulations.

8) I received my trailer license plate today with a sticker that expires in "June, 2007" that matches the expiration date you blacked out on the temporary license. Is this your administrative mistake on the temporary plate or a mistake by the Sec. of State's office?

Please acknowledge receipt of this email, because your security settings have placed a previous email in your spam folder.

Thank you, Richard

Richard F. Ward
3711 Hale Lane
Island Lake, IL 60042


FW:   ONLY 3450 rpm at WOT
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Thu 5/24/07 11:32 PM
To:      Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Heather, I sent you these questions 6 days ago, and they may have ended up in your junk-mail folder like before. Please let me know that you received this email, even if the questions need further research.

Some additional information - I took the boat out a few days ago and checked the speed readings with a GPS (going in both directions and averaging the readings because of the water movement). Not I am only getting 44mph at Wide Open Throttle and 3100 rpm. Do you stock replacement "transmitters and/or guages"? Dave predicted a speed of 55 mph with the 190 hp engine and WOT. I was alone on the boat and the water was relatively smooth and a half tank of gas.

Richard F. Ward


         ONLY 3450 rpm at WOT
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Fri 5/18/07 7:03 PM
To:     Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

1) I finally got enough hours on my boat to test it at WOT and got 56mph ...however the rpm indicated only 3450. It should have registered between 4200 and 4600. However the speed is what Dave predicted with the 190 hp engine. Also that combination of numbers seems impossible, and I am wondering how often the rpm indicators need recalibration...or if Dave has experienced that combination before.

2) I am also considering the purchase of a Piranna 14x21-3blade composite replacement propeller and would appreciate any advice or experience Dave could offer. The price is about the same as an aluminum prop, but the blades can be changed easily, and the hub is guaranteed forever. The blades cost only $22.50 each. With the depth of the water on the Lower Fox, I have already experienced some damage to the 14.2x23 aluminium prop that came with the boat.

3) Do you have an estimate when my bimini top can be installed and can I wait for it and arrive by water? Also how long does the 20 hour check take and can I wait for the boat after arriving by water? I may just do both together.

Thanks, Richard

Richard F. Ward


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Wed 4/11/07 5:58 PM
To:     duchowsboats@sbcglobal.net
Cc:     Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

1.) Randy or Dave, page 17 of the owners manual refers to the propeller "originally" installed is designed to give maximum speed when the boat is new. "For this reason it is often advisable to reduce the propeller pitch by as much as an inch or more in order to counter the effects in the increase in overall weight encountered in normal cruising... Although this will reduce top speed somewhat, overall ride conditions will improve and you should achieve greatly enhanced acceleration."

Was this manufacturer's recommendation taken into account when you selected the original propeller for my Volvo-Penta 4.3GL engine? What specifications does Glastron/Volvo recommend? I have not used the propeller yet, so we still have an opportunity to exchange it if this increased pitch recommendation was not considered in your selection of a propeller for my boat.

2.)The Glastron Operator's Manual on page 3.6 gives a Warning: "Do not use fuels that incorporate any forms of alcohol or alcohol derivatives. Alcohol destroys marine fuel system hoses and components, that could result in hazardous leaks, fire, and explosion."

Apparently fuel in the Chicago Region is required to have 10% Ethnol (ethyl alcohol), and the required fuel is only available outside of this region. How can I adhere to this warning in this region?

Heather, I am not sure of Randy or Dave's email address, so please forward this to them.

Thank you, Richard (847-487-2555)

Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Sat 3/31/07 9:37 AM
To:    J  P Ward

John, I got a call this morning from Heather and they are closed Sunday and Monday, so the only time I could schedule a boat pick-up was at 3pm today Saturday. I don't know what time you are landing from India, but please call me before you take a nap. Hope your trip was enjoyable and successful !!!!!!!!
Love ya, Dad

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


FW:   GOOD NEWS!!!!!
From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Fri 3/30/07 4:42 PM
To:     Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Heather, I requested to have the boat ready to pick-up by Saturday 3/31 on Saturday 3/24 (see below). What happened...I will call in a few minutes before you close at 5pm on Friday today. I confirmed the 3/31 or later date just 2 days ago.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Wed 3/28/07 10:48 PM
To:     Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net); P Ward-, John

Heather, I am having second thoughts about the snaps on the mooring cover. If they have not been installed, please delay installing the snaps to give us more time to think about other covering options. If they have already been installed, then that is just fine.

My son and I are planning on picking up the boat Sunday about NOON if that would be possible. We will return for the in-water checkout in a few weeks when the Lower River is open and the lift has been installed. He is returning from a business trip to India on Saturday and I will have to confirm that with him also.

I ended up buying the insurance from Progressive through USAA. I advised Lisa that the rates for the same coverage were lower and thanked her for providing the quotes from 2 companies.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


From: "Richard Ward" <neweastside@hotmail.com>
To: "HEATHER MENGARELLI" <hchamp@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: "WARD, John"
Sent: 3/24/07 4:14 PM
Subject: RE: GOOD NEWS!!!!!

I called and left a message for Lisa or Shirley, and expect a call from them early next week.

We usually do not get extended warranty insurance on anything, and it was not mentioned in any of the sales discussions. What is the coverage and the cost for us to consider?

The Lower Fox is now "closed" and the rest is now No Wake...and my son John (with the hitch and van) left for India this afternoon on a business trip and will be back next Saturday - so we are aiming to pick the boat up late on Saturday afternoon 3/31, Sunday or maybe as late as Monday. We'll do the in-water check-out at a later time, because the forecast is for more rain this week, and the family will be gathering for the "driveway boat-showing" on Easter Saturday..

You may enjoy the website we created to share with the rest of the family http://FoxRiver.Homestead.com/GlastronBoat.html You are welcome to share the link in any of your sales efforts.

Richard F. Ward, President, NEARFAX & PH 312-938-0884155 Harbor Dr. #5101Chicago, IL 60601 www.NewEastside.org


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sat 3/24/07 9:51 AM
HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Thank you Heather...My check was deducted from my account on 3/22 so the funds should be in your account by now.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


From: HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)
Sat 3/24/07 9:07 AM
Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)


I contacted Captain Rod's and they will be calling you to set up a time to get your lift in.  If you need anything else please let me know.  I look forward to seeing you soon.



FOX LAKE, IL 60020


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Fri 3/23/07 9:46 AM
HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

Heather...that's GREAT !!!! Please call Capt. rods and get them to schedule the installation of our lift ...so we have a place for the boat behind our home in Island Lake. I will talk to my son who will be with me when I pick-up the boat. Also please advise when my check clears.

Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


        GOOD NEWS!!!!!
From: HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)
Sent:  Fri 3/23/07 9:22 AM
To:     Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)

Well I have some great news for you.  Your boat just came in.  This is all the information you need on your boat to get insurance.

2007 Glastron 185 GT

Volvo Penta 4.3 GL (190HP)

2007 EZ Loader Trailer TRST 3000

I don't know if you have priced out insurance yet but we have a company that has had some great rates this year.  The company is Veitenhause insurance Services and you can talk to Shirley or Lisa.  Their number is 414-483-0220.  Just another good reference for price shopping.

I also wanted to know if you have decided on getting the extended warranty for you engine.  Let me know if you have any questions on the benefits of having the Volvo Penta Protection Plan.

The only thing we will not have by Easter is your Bimini Top.  Right now that is on back order.  So as soon as I hear something on that I will let you know.  But we can still set up a water demo/pick-up and you can always bring your boat back to have your Bimini top put on later.  This way you and your family can use your boat now.  Let me know when you would be interested in coming in and doing your water demo/pick-up.

Talk to you soon!



FOX LAKE, IL 60020


From:   HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)
Sent:  Tue 3/20/07 3:57 PM
To:       Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)

I talked to my manager and he is contacting Glastron to see about an estimated date to when we will be getting your boat in.  Right now I don't see your boat being in by Easter but if something changes you will be my first call.

I did receive your balance less a $1,000.00 and you should be receiving a receipt in the mail for your check.



FOX LAKE, IL 60020


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Mon 3/19/07 4:23 PM
To:     Heather (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

The family is trying to make plans for Easter in less than 3 weeks. Do you have any estimates that our boat will be delivered by then? Hopefully Capt. Rod will have time to install the new lift by then.

I mailed my personal check for the balance (less $1000) a few days ago. Please let me know when it arrives.

Thanks, Richard and Lydia

Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Mon 3/12/07 7:37 PM
To:     WARD, John

I did more homework and ended up buying a new $4000 Metal-Craft Model 4000-110 (assembled, delivered, and installed) from Captain Rod directly, after confirming recommendations from Dave and Heather at Duchows. It appears stronger and better designed than the Shore Station model I looked at yesterday at Chicago Sea Ray. They will coordinate with Duchows so that the lift will be installed before we may drive down the river in the new boat after the check-out.

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
www.155harbor.org (password... )


From: Richard Ward (neweastside@hotmail.com)
Sent:  Mon 3/12/07 7:20 PM
To:     HEATHER MENGARELLI (hchamp@sbcglobal.net)

I purchased a new 4000# boat lift (Model 4000-110) from Captain Rod this afternoon. He knows that you and Dave were very helpful in recommending him and his Metal Craft product. He will coordinate with you, so the lift will be installed before I possibly drive the boat down the Fox River to behind my house

Richard F. Ward
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601


Date:     Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:40:08 -0700
From:     hchamp@sbcglobal.net
To:         neweastside@hotmail.com

Hello Richard.  I'm a glad that Brian was able to help.  I say ask for Rod because he is the owner of the company but you can work with any one of his employees.  They have taken care of our customers.  Just use the information that Brian gave you when contacting Captain Rod's.  When I receive your check I will mail you a receipt.  Well SPRING is in the air.  You both only have to hold out for a little while now.  I look forward to seeing you both soon.

Thanks Again,


FOX LAKE, IL 60020


             (see below)

We told Heather and Randy repeatedly (by email and twice verbally) that the boat was already completely drained, so it was not a simple "no" as you state, but a very "qualified no".

We did not say that we "would" winterize our boat, we repeatedly said and wrote that we "did already" drain the engine according to the Volvo Manual. The evidence is clear from this draining webpage on how carefully we followed the Volvo's procedures.

We were repeatedly told that the engine would be run at different rpm's to check for excessive wear and tracking, so that the discrepancy of the original belt splitting would not reoccur. And the fact that we were repeatedly assurred that you would use an anti-freeze tank, is confirmation that you intended to meet our expectations of adequate testing for the wear and splitting problem. Your service department's claim of no testing and/or 30 seconds of dry testing, does not match your assurances, or our expectations.

Does Duchow's have any explanation of where the quarter tank of gas went?

Can Duchow's confirm that adding antifreeze after draining the engine is NOT a recommendation by the Volvo-Penta engineering department, as reflected in the owner's manual?

Fortunately there is email evidence of Duchow's Service Department assurances and our expectations.

We had concern about the competence of the service personnel after our experience with the simple act of improperly installing a battery, the reluctance of getting manfacturer's advice on the correct setting for the tach, and the misleading requirements of the 20-hour check. So our concern was well-based, and we had no reason to invent the language in this email. Even the work order states that the engine was  "run", and this email was sent even before the work order was seen.  Richard had no reason not to believe Randy's assurance that the engine had been run in an antifreeze tank.

"I carefully followed the Operator's Manual for all 9 drain points". Having experience of over a half-century with several boats, a mechanical engineering degree, and 39 years of pilot experience at paying attention to detailed procedures, I am qualified to follow instructions. And the incentive of protecting a new $23,000 boat was certainly on my mind. You can understand that I would be reluctant to trust a company that could not install a battery properly. Now I learn, you cannot install a bimini top correctly either.

Now with the changing stories of whether you really tested the belt, and the question of the missing quarter-tank of fuel: our confidence has been eroded in Duchow's objectivity to accept responsibility for apparent freeze damage, and the technical ability to repair or replace the engine.

Threatening that the warranty would not remain in effect if we did not meet the "requirement" of the 20-hour check also eroded our confidence in your service department. Also adding the complexity of removing the stern-drive that Duchow's had just installed 20 hours earlier, was also not recommended and/or required by the engine manufacturer.

The only option presented for the tach problem was inconveniently bringing the boat to the shop. There was a reluctance to call the factory for the proper setting. Only after I was going to call the factory myself, did the service department get the technical advice that they needed.

This battery discrepancy speaks for itself, and was the initial factor in our confidence being eroded in the Duchow's Service Department ability to perform quality work.

Later the bimini top and the denial of running the engine without anti-freeze, would confirm our concerns.

When I followed the initial break-in limitations, I was actually 50% over the limits because of the incorrect setting on the tachometer. This could have contributed to the internal engine damage, but in all probability the damage discovered in May, 2008 was probably due to freeze damage, possibly from an overly diluted antifreeze tank at Duchow's.

It was not appreciated that "Everyone at Duchows was consistent is allowing my "misconception" to conveniently continue..."

Email is a much more efficient way of communicating. However, Duchow's customers are forced to communicate through Heather, the business manager. Possibly this arrangement is used by the service department to avoid the problem of having a written record of communications that could more directly prove service instructions were  misunderstood. An example would be the verbal assurance: "We ran your engine in the antifreeze tank to check the alignment and wear of the new belt."

Now, seven months later, the service department is uncertain and claims that they may have only run the engine "dry" for 30 seconds, or possibly did not run it at all.

Fortunately, immediately after the phone conversation on 10-24-07 from Randy to Richard, Richard forwarded that information to John in the email above.

Duchow's Email Records between Fox Lake Marina and Richard Ward in 2007 and 2008.